Red vs Blue: (re)Released OST
The soundtracks for Seasons 13-17 are officially re-released on all streaming platforms!

OBLIVION - Heavyocity X David Levy (Copy)
Oblivions is the product of my first collaboration with Heavyocity. It’s a super-aggressive sounding synth based on my work from Doom Eternal, Omega Impulse, and more.

Vicious Circle OST is released on all streaming services and digital stores.

‘Abyss Watchers’ - Collab with Geoffrey Day!
Familiar Dimensions- Immersive Exhibition in Hong Kong

![DOOM ETERNAL - The Ancient Gods [Part II]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/65328a8c8e0657670bf37f43/1698431081626-L1LQ2IYCHRGQA8VMZ1C2/Tage+2+Wallpaper.jpg)